About Us

Our firm was founded by Paul J. Moriarty in the mid 1980’s, formally incorporating as Paul J. Moriarty and Associates, Inc. in 1992. Paul ran the firm for over 30 years.

Paul was a leader in building regulations in Massachusetts and nationwide. An attorney by training, he started as an Assistant Building Commissioner for the City of Boston and later becoming the Chief Legal Counsel to the old Massachusetts State Building Code Commission. The Commission’s mission was to bring uniform building regulations to the Commonwealth. Those efforts were rewarded with the first edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code in 1975.

In forming PJMA, Paul took a unique approach in building internal teams of professionals with practical experience in the interpretation, enforcement and promulgation of construction industry regulations. He also began what is today a recognized standard practice in the construction of large projects in smaller cities and towns; providing third party plan reviews and inspections to assist resource-constrained communities in meeting their regulatory services duties. These services assisted, but never supplanted, the local community in ensuring compliance with important public safety regulations. The development community, seeing the value in timely, professional services, often paid for these services to further free local resources.

Since this model’s humble beginnings with the Emerald Square Mall in 1989, the firm has gone on to provide third party services for millions of square feet and billions of dollars in project value across Massachusetts.  Projects include schools, universities, research facilities, shopping malls, outlet centers, office buildings, apartment complexes, hotels, and recently the Boston Encore Hotel and Casino.

Paul recently passed away but his legacy continues as PJMA moves forward capitalizing on the strong foundation, network and teams he built. The leadership of the company has been assumed by his son Mark Moriarty. Mark has more than 3o years of experience in leadership roles with nearly 2o years in the real estate development and construction industries, including 10+ years at PJMA. Marl‹ has a graduate degree from the MIT Center for Real E state and Development.

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