
PJMA, formally Paul J. Moriarty and Associates, Inc. was founded in the mid 1980s. In over 30 years of service we have provided construction code consulting assistance to dozens of communities and developers on millions of square feet of real estate projects across Massachusetts and New England.

We specialize in regulations governing the construction, maintenance and redevelopment of real estate assets. We provide:

  • Third party plan reviews and inspections of projects;
  • Interpretations of regulations and filings for regulatory relief; and
  • Expert testimony for regulatory, arbitration and court proceedings.

Our approach is unique in several key aspects:

  1. Cooperative approach. A large segment of our business is third party reviews and inspections on large scale projects in smaller cities and towns to provide additional resources in those communities that do not have the internal capacity to service these large projects in a comprehensive and timely manner. This cooperative approach frees local resources and at the same time speeds the necessary approvals process for the developer and design teams.
  1. Multiple Disciplines. While most firms that practice construction code consultancy focus on a single regulatory sphere, our firm’s team members bring experience in regulatory compliance across all aspects of the built environment including:
  • Building Code
  • Fire Protection and Prevention Codes
  • Architectural Access and ADA Compliance
  • Mechanical Codes
  • Electrical Codes
  • Plumbing Codes
  • Energy Code

            We are a one stop shop for your code compliance questions.

  1. Code Centric. Many consultancies take an engineering focused approach. Our team members collectively have over 100 years of practical building code experience. Not only are we experienced in reading the text but also its context, intent, and practical application. Our professionals come from the code enforcement and promulgation industry. They have been part of the code’s development, enforcement, evaluation, interpretation, evolution and the writing of the regulations in play. 
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